Sunday, December 8, 2013

First Response Early Result Reviewed!

First Response Early Result

Best Home Pregnancy Test

  • Excellent sensitivity
  • Consistent
  • Sensitive to low concentrations of hCG
  • Increased risk of false negatives
  • Results may be difficult to interpret               

    Bottom Line

    The First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test is the one to use if you can't wait until your period's supposed to start to find out if you're pregnant: It's 58 percent accurate a full four days before a missed period. Even if you're not in a hurry, this is still one of the most accurate tests on the market.


    Highly accurate when used as directed. The First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test claims to be 68 percent accurate six days before a missed period, but scientific evidence disputes that. An independent test measuring the accuracy of claims of six home pregnancy tests shows the First Response Early Result to be only 25 percent accurate at six days before an expected period. That rises to 58 percent accuracy at four days before and 100 percent accuracy the day after a missed period.
    Users rank this test highly for accuracy, with many saying it gave them accurate positive results even earlier than six days before their expected period start date. Like all pregnancy tests, First Response Early Result assumes an approximate 28-day cycle. Women with longer cycles may take longer to build up enough human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) for positive testing, which can lead to a fairly high rate of false negatives. Because this test can be used so early, it will detect hCG from a very early miscarriage, meaning the test is correct but the pregnancy wasn't viable.
    The test's control line is said to be consistent and unmistakable, but there are occasional complaints of a completely blank results window.


    Most accurate test available. First Response says the Early Result Pregnancy Test can detect hCG levels of as low as 25 mIU/ml. However, independent studies show it can detect levels as low as 2.1 mIU/ml in a small percentage of cases, and many women report getting a positive at 5.5 mlU/ml.

    Ease Of Use

    Early positives may be faint. The instructions on the First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test are easy to read and understand, users say. You can urinate directly on the absorbent tip, or collect urine and dip the absorbent tip for five seconds. Doing so first thing in the morning is recommended, especially in early cycle testing. The test should be read at thee minutes and immediately discarded. A single pink line means negative, a second pink line means positive. There's no evaporation line, but any results that appear after the three-minute mark aren't considered reliable because the positive results line can take on a faint color after 10 minutes.
    Users' primary confusion with First Response Early Result comes in the form of a faint positive line when testing very early in pregnancy, leading some to question whether they see it. Experts say even a very faint line is a positive if it's read at the proper time. Since the rate of accuracy is estimated at close to 100 percent the first day of a missed period, urine should be retested then.Also for Direct Access To Brand Name Products&Services Like This Visit our Partners At

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