Sunday, December 29, 2013

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: Turmeric Produces 'Remarkable' Recovery in Alzheim...

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: Turmeric Produces 'Remarkable' Recovery in Alzheim...:      The freshest most delicious Extra Virgin (first pressing) Organic Olive Oil. Have you heard about fake and GMO filler olive oils in...

Turmeric Produces 'Remarkable' Recovery in Alzheimer's Patients!

The freshest most delicious Extra Virgin (first pressing) Organic Olive Oil.

Have you heard about fake and GMO filler olive oils in the stores? Not this one, sourced directly from Spain. To use in food and on the skin, you want the real therapeutic olive oil.

Perfect for every food and cosmetic need. Exclusive sources allow us to make this claim that:

There is no Olive Oil that is fresher, or more delicious anywhere!

Olive oil is composed mainly of oleic acid and palmitic acid and other fatty acids, along with traces of squalene (up to 0.7%) and sterols (about 0.2% phytosterols and tocosterols). The composition varies by cultivar, region, altitude, time of harvest, and extraction process.

Olive oil contains a group of related natural products with potent antioxidant properties which give extra-virgin unprocessed olive oil its unique taste.

We use our olive oil for lots of purposes including low heat cooking, making our own salad dressings, on toast instead of butter, and of course on popcorn.

Our freshness is assured by rapid transit from Spain to our importer and then directly to Michigan, where we bottle and send it out to your door. No one does it faster or better! The difference is truly in the taste!

Olive oil and heart disease

Studies have shown that people who consumed about 2 tablespoons - of virgin olive oil daily for 1 week showed less oxidation of LDL cholesterol and higher levels of antioxidant compounds, particularly phenols, in the blood. This means your blood is going to be less clogged and sticky with undissolved fats.

But while all types of olive oil are sources of monounsaturated fat, EXTRA VIRGIN olive oil, from the first pressing of the olives, contains higher levels of antioxidants. Olive oil is clearly one of the good oils. I know it sounds funny to say, but it is a healthy and healing source of good fat! Most people do quite well with it since it does not upset the critical omega 6 to omega 3 ratio and most of the fatty acids in olive oil are actually an omega-9 oil which is monounsaturated.

Olive oil and colon cancer

Spanish researchers suggest that including olive oil in your diet may also offer benefits in terms of colon cancer prevention. Their study results showed that rats fed a diet supplemented with olive oil had a lower risk of colon cancer than those fed safflower oil-supplemented diets. In fact, the rats that received olive oil had colon cancer rates almost as low as those fed fish oil, which several studies have already linked to a reduction in colon cancer risk.

Health enhancing, flavorful, and anti-cancerous, could there be any more reason to use REAL Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil?
- See more at:
        Turmeric Produces 'Remarkable' Recovery in Alzheimer's Patients                 
Turmeric has been used in India for over 5,000 years, which is likely why still today both rural and urban populations have some of the lowest prevalence rates of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in the world. A recent study on patients with AD found that less than a gram of turmeric daily, taken for three months, resulted in 'remarkable improvements.'

Alzheimer's Disease: A Disturbingly Common Modern Rite of Passage

A diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD), sadly, has become a rite of passage in so-called developed countries.  AD is considered the most common form of dementia, which is defined as a serious loss of cognitive function in previously unimpaired persons, beyond what is expected from normal aging.
A 2006 study estimated that 26 million people throughout the world suffer from this condition, and that by 2050, the prevalence will quadruple, by which time 1 in 85 persons worldwide will be afflicted with the disease.
Given the global extent of the problem, interest in safe and effective preventive and therapeutic interventions within the conventional medical and alternative professions alike are growing.
Unfortunately, conventional drug-based approaches amount to declaring chemical war upon the problem, a mistake which we have documented elsewhere, and which can result in serious neurological harm, as evidenced by the fact that this drug class carries an alarmingly high risk for seizures, according to World Health Organization post-marketing surveillance statistics.
What the general public is therefore growing most responsive to is using time-tested, safe, natural and otherwise more effective therapies that rely on foods, spices and familiar culinary ingredients.

Remarkable Recoveries Reported after Administration of Turmeric

Late last year, a remarkable study was published in the journal Ayu titiled "Effects of turmeric on Alzheimer's disease with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia."   Researchers described three patients with Alzheimer's disease whose behavioral symptoms were "improved remarkably" as a result of consuming 764 milligram of turmeric (curcumin 100 mg/day) for 12 weeks. According to the study:
"All three patients exhibited irritability, agitation, anxiety, and apathy, two patients suffer from urinary incontinence and wonderings. They were prescribed turmeric powder capsules and started recovering from these symptoms without any adverse reaction in the clinical symptom and laboratory data."
After only 3 months of treatment, both the patients' symptoms and the burden on their caregivers were significantly decreased.
The report describes the improvements thusly:
"In one case, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score was up five points, from 12/30 to 17/30. In the other two cases, no significant change was seen in the MMSE; however, they came to recognize their family within 1 year treatment. All cases have been taking turmeric for more than 1 year, re-exacerbation of BPSD was not seen."
This study illustrates just how powerful a simple natural intervention using a time-tested culinary herb can be.  Given that turmeric has been used medicinally and as a culinary ingredient for over 5,000 years in Indian culture, even attaining the status of a 'Golden Goddess,' we should not be surprised at this result. Indeed, epidemiological studies of Indian populations reveal that they have a remarkably lower prevalence of Alzheimer's disease relative to Western nations,  and this is true for both rural and more "Westernized" urban areas of India.
Could turmeric be a major reason for this?

Turmeric's Anti-Alzheimer's Properties.

The database now contains a broad range of published studies on the value of turmeric, and its primary polyphenol curcumin (which gives it its golden hue), for Alzheimer's disease prevention and treatment.*
While there are 114 studies on Turmeric research  indicating turmeric has a neuroprotective set of physiological actions,  30 of these studies are directly connected to turmeric's anti-Alzheimer's disease properties.**
Two of these studies are particularly promising, as they reveal that curcumin is capable of enhancing the clearance of the pathological amyloid–beta plaque in Alzheimer's disease patients, and that in combination with vitamin D3 the neurorestorative process is further enhanced. Additional preclinical research indicates curcumin (and its analogs) has inhibitory and protective effects against Alzheimer's disease associated β-amyloid proteins.

Other documented Anti-Alzheimer's mechanisms include:

  • Anti-inflammatory: Curcumin has been found to play a protective role against β-amyloid protein associated inflammation.
  • Anti-oxidative: Curcumin may reduce damage via antioxidant properties.
  • Anti-cytotoxic: Curcumin appears to protect against the cell-damaging effects of β-amyloid proteins.[13] [14]
  • Anti-amyloidogenic: Turmeric contains a variety of compounds (curcumin, tetrahydrocurcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin) which may strike to the root pathological cause of Alzheimer's disease by preventing β-amyloid protein formation.  
  • Neurorestorative: Curcuminoids appear to rescue long-term potentiation (an indication of functional memory) impaired by amyloid peptide, and may reverse physiological damage by restoring distorted neurites and disrupting existing plaques. 
  • Metal-chelating properties: Curcumin has a higher binding affinity for iron and copper rather than zinc, which may contribute to its protective effect in Alzheimer's disease, as iron-mediated damage may play a pathological role.

Just The Tip of the Medicine Spice Cabinet

The modern kitchen pantry contains a broad range of anti-Alzheimer's disease items, which plenty of science now confirms. Our Alzheimer's research page contains research on 97 natural substances of interest. Top on the list, of course, is curcumin. Others include:
  • Coconut Oil: This remarkable substance contains approximately 66% medium chain triglycerides by weight, and is capable of improving symptoms of cognitive decline in those suffering from dementia by increasing brain-boosing ketone bodies, and perhaps more remarkably, within only one dose, and within only two hours.
  • Cocoa: A 2009 study found that cocoa procyanidins may protect against lipid peroxidation associated with neuronal cell death in a manner relevant to Alzheimer's disease.
  • Sage: A 2003 study found that sage extract has therapeutic value in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.
  • Folic acid: While most of the positive research on this B vitamin has been performed on the semi-synthetic version, which may have unintended, adverse health effects,  the ideal source for this B vitamin is foliage, i.e. green leafy vegetables, as only foods provide folate. Also, the entire B group of vitamins, especially including the homocysteine-modulating B6 and B12, may have the most value in Alzheimer's disease prevention and treatment. 
  • Resveratrol: this compound is mainly found in the Western diet in grapes, wine, peanuts and chocolate. There are 16 articles on our website indicating it has anti-Alzheimer's properties.
Other potent natural therapies include:
  • Gingko biloba: is one of the few herbs proven to be at least as effective as the pharmaceutical drug Aricept in treating and improving symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Melissa offinalis: this herb, also known as Lemon Balm, has been found to have therapeutic effect in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.
  • Saffron: this herb compares favorably to the drug donepezil in the treatment of mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease.
As always, the important thing to remember is that it is our diet and environmental exposures that largely determine our risk of accelerated brain aging and associated dementia. Prevention is an infinitely better strategy, especially considering many of the therapeutic items mentioned above can be used in foods as spices.  Try incorporating small, high-quality culinary doses of spices like turmeric into your dietary pattern, remembering that 'adding it to taste,' in a way that is truly enjoyable, may be the ultimate standard for determining what a 'healthy dose' is for you. Also for Direct Access to Brand Name Nutrition Products&Services Like This Visit our Partners at
A tomato-rich diet may help protect at-risk postmenopausal women from breast cancer, according to new research accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

Breast cancer risk rises in postmenopausal women as their body mass index climbs. The study found eating a diet high in tomatoes had a positive effect on the level of hormones that play a role in regulating fat and sugar metabolism. - See more at:
A tomato-rich diet may help protect at-risk postmenopausal women from breast cancer, according to new research accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

Breast cancer risk rises in postmenopausal women as their body mass index climbs. The study found eating a diet high in tomatoes had a positive effect on the level of hormones that play a role in regulating fat and sugar metabolism. - See more at:
The freshest most delicious Extra Virgin (first pressing) Organic Olive Oil.

Have you heard about fake and GMO filler olive oils in the stores? Not this one, sourced directly from Spain. To use in food and on the skin, you want the real therapeutic olive oil.

Perfect for every food and cosmetic need. Exclusive sources allow us to make this claim that:

There is no Olive Oil that is fresher, or more delicious anywhere!

Olive oil is composed mainly of oleic acid and palmitic acid and other fatty acids, along with traces of squalene (up to 0.7%) and sterols (about 0.2% phytosterols and tocosterols). The composition varies by cultivar, region, altitude, time of harvest, and extraction process.

Olive oil contains a group of related natural products with potent antioxidant properties which give extra-virgin unprocessed olive oil its unique taste.

We use our olive oil for lots of purposes including low heat cooking, making our own salad dressings, on toast instead of butter, and of course on popcorn.

Our freshness is assured by rapid transit from Spain to our importer and then directly to Michigan, where we bottle and send it out to your door. No one does it faster or better! The difference is truly in the taste!

Olive oil and heart disease

Studies have shown that people who consumed about 2 tablespoons - of virgin olive oil daily for 1 week showed less oxidation of LDL cholesterol and higher levels of antioxidant compounds, particularly phenols, in the blood. This means your blood is going to be less clogged and sticky with undissolved fats.

But while all types of olive oil are sources of monounsaturated fat, EXTRA VIRGIN olive oil, from the first pressing of the olives, contains higher levels of antioxidants. Olive oil is clearly one of the good oils. I know it sounds funny to say, but it is a healthy and healing source of good fat! Most people do quite well with it since it does not upset the critical omega 6 to omega 3 ratio and most of the fatty acids in olive oil are actually an omega-9 oil which is monounsaturated.

Olive oil and colon cancer

Spanish researchers suggest that including olive oil in your diet may also offer benefits in terms of colon cancer prevention. Their study results showed that rats fed a diet supplemented with olive oil had a lower risk of colon cancer than those fed safflower oil-supplemented diets. In fact, the rats that received olive oil had colon cancer rates almost as low as those fed fish oil, which several studies have already linked to a reduction in colon cancer risk.

Health enhancing, flavorful, and anti-cancerous, could there be any more reason to use REAL Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil?
- See more at:

Thursday, December 26, 2013

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: Mistletoe Extract Beats Chemotherapy Against Colon...

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: Mistletoe Extract Beats Chemotherapy Against Colon...:     The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe at Christmas can be traced back to ancient Scandinavian rules of war. The story goes that...

Mistletoe Extract Beats Chemotherapy Against Colon Cancer Cells!!

Mistletoe Extract Beats Chemotherapy Against Colon Cancer Cells   
The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe at Christmas can be traced back to ancient Scandinavian rules of war. The story goes that if enemies found themselves standing beneath the mistletoe they had to lay down their arms for the rest of the day.
Peacemaking led to the Christmas kissing tradition.  It's said a young man may kiss a girl under the mistletoe, plucking a poison berry from the bush each time.  But when the berries are gone, no more kissing. 
Aside from Christmas lore, mistletoe has a long history of medicinal applications among ancient cultures.  Some modern scientists are exploring its use as a treatment for colon cancer.
According to the University of Adelaide in Australia, a researcher there is experimenting with an extract of mistletoe.  The lab studies focus on whether mistletoe could complement chemotherapy or replace chemotherapy as a treatment for colon cancer.
Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Zahra Lotfollahi, an honors research student at the University of Adelaide, compared the effectiveness of three different types of mistletoe extract and chemotherapy on colon cancer cells.
Lotfollahi found that one of the mistletoe extracts, from the species Fraxini (which grows on ash trees) was more potent against colon cancer cells in cell cultures compared with chemotherapy. It also increased the potency of chemotherapy when used in conjunction with it.
Fraxini was also found to be less harmful to healthy cells.
For many years, European doctors have considered mistletoe extracts a viable alternative treatment for various cancers. Mistletoe extract is already authorized for use by sufferers of colon cancer in Europe, but not in the United States.
One 2002 German study, published in the journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, looked at the effects of Iscador, another extract of mistletoe, in over 10,000 patients. The researchers found that patients suffering with colon, rectal, stomach and breast cancer treated with the Iscador extract survived 40% longer than the control group.
Iscador is generally regarded as a complementary cancer therapy.  But the researchers noted it is the most commonly used oncological drug in Germany.
A subsequent study found that mistletoe extract may improve overall survival in ovarian cancer patients.
And a 2010 study found mistletoe may act synergistically with chemotherapy in the treatment of pancreatic cancer.
As a medicinal plant, mistletoe has been used traditionally as an antispasmodic for treating convulsive coughing and asthma attacks. It's also been used to treat epilepsy, hiccups, digestive and uterine cramps.
Actress Suzanne Somers drew attention to mistletoe's anti-cancer properties when she opted for Iscador treatments in place of chemotherapy during her treatment for breast cancer.  She wrote about it in her book, Knockout: Interviews With Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: Teeth Whitening Reviewed!

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: Teeth Whitening Reviewed!:     Best Teeth Whitening Pros Very effective Dentist supervision Custom molded tray Cons Tooth sensitivity    Botto...

Teeth Whitening Reviewed!

Professional At-Home Teeth Whitening   

Best Teeth Whitening

  • Very effective
  • Dentist supervision
  • Custom molded tray
  • Tooth sensitivity   

    Bottom line

    Professional at-home teeth whitening is a Best Reviewed selection because it produces dramatic results in a relatively short amount of time. You can use the custom-fitted whitening trays in the convenience of your home at a time that works best for you. As with all teeth whiteners, sensitivity is a common issue, but your dentist can easily control it by prescribing a lower dose.


    In-office results in the convenience of your home. Experts agree that the best teeth whitening options are only available from a licensed dental practitioner. For those who don't want to fork out the big bucks for in-office, light-assisted bleaching treatments, your dentist can offer you a take-home kit for a fraction of the cost. Furthermore, Bruce Matis, director of clinical research at Indiana University School of Dentistry, says "the kits work as well as or better than in-office treatments."
    Reviewers at are pleased with dentist-supervised, take-home products. Most say they saw noticeable results right away and more dramatic whitening in about a week. One reviewer says, "My results are fantastic. I don't know how many shades I've lightened but the difference is dramatic. My teeth have gone from a dark ivory-yellow to matching the whites of my eyes." Several reviewers at this site said their teeth got up to eight shades lighter.

    Ease of use

    Difficult to talk and say good-bye to your vices. Although professional take-home whitening treatments require more work than if you were to have an in-office treatment, most users say they are fairly easy to use. Some warn that it may take a bit of practice to get just the right amount of gel into the trays -- most users say only the smallest amount is needed -- but it only takes a time or two to get it just right. And you can easily wipe away any excess gel.
    The only real inconvenience is that it is difficult to talk and you have to avoid eating and drinking while the trays are in your mouth. Many users opt to wear their trays overnight to avoid those inconveniences. Experts also say it's important to avoid any stain-causing foods and beverages during treatment and immediately after. That means no coffee, tea, colas or cigarettes for its entire course. If giving up your vices for one to two weeks at a time proves too difficult, you may be more satisfied with professional in-office teeth whitening (*Est. $500 to $800), which typically only requires one procedure.


    Custom-suited to your level of sensitivity. Experts say that professional teeth whitening is the safest form of bleach treatments available. That's because the process is supervised by your dentist who can make changes if any problems arise. Furthermore, your dentist can determine if you are a good candidate for teeth whitening based on your overall oral health.
    Tooth sensitivity is an issue with all teeth whiteners. The advantage to professional at-home whitening is that your dentist can prescribe a lower dosage if sensitivity is an issue. Several users at say that taking a day off in between treatments also helps. Overall though, most users say that sensitivity is not a huge issue with professional take-home treatments. That's because the mouth tray is custom fitted to your teeth which ensures that bleaching agents don't come in contact with your gums. Also for Direct Access To Products&Services Like This Visit our Website at

Monday, December 16, 2013

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: Alleviating Anxiety With Zensight Process!

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: Alleviating Anxiety With Zensight Process!: Similar in some ways to hypnosis - and yet no hypnosis is used - Zensight Process is a self-help energy work technique that emphasizes the u...

Alleviating Anxiety With Zensight Process!

Similar in some ways to hypnosis - and yet no hypnosis is used - Zensight Process is a self-help energy work technique that emphasizes the use of visualization together with "healing statements" in order to rapidly yet gently heal concerns.

This article outlines the basic steps taken in healing even persistent and pervasive experiences of anxiety.        Rachel looks in the mirror and notices a mark on her cheek.  Immediately her breath becomes shallow, her heart races, her chest tightens, and she feels nauseated.  She checks the spot more closely, and sees that it’s just a speck of dirt.  She washes it off and tells herself firmly that she is fine – it wasn’t the beginning of skin cancer, it was nothing.  It’s gone.  She is okay.

Although she keeps telling herself she is okay, hours later, Rachel still doesn’t feel okay.  What if seeing that spot was a “sign”?  What is she is about to develop skin cancer?  What if she already has skin cancer and she just hasn’t seen it yet?  Should she go see her doctor?  Recurring thoughts of cancer hover in the back of her mind for the rest of the day.  Weeks later she notices she is still spending an increased amount of time inspecting her skin for unusual marks or blemishes.

Like an estimated 13-16.5% of adults, Rachel has an anxiety disorder.  Types of anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post traumatic stress disorder.

At times the symptoms of anxiety can become so debilitating that those affected will not leave their home or attend social functions – and their lives may become consumed by the effort to avoid people, places or situations which are likely to trigger feelings of anxiety.

Traditional treatment for anxiety disorder has involved medication to help to lessen the symptoms of anxiety, and behavioral therapy to assist with coping and challenging irrational thoughts.  Treatment is generally expected to be long term.

Zensight Process offers new hope to those with anxiety.  In many cases, a practitioner who is very skilled with both Zensight and in working with those with anxiety, can help someone to experience dramatic improvement – and in some cases a complete elimination of symptoms – in just a few sessions.

In most situations, many individuals will be able to use Zensight on their own – without ever consulting a practitioner at all – to considerably improve and sometimes even eliminate their symptoms altogether.  Those who do choose to work with a therapist or practitioner to help support and accelerate their healing will also benefit from doing Zensight self-healing in between sessions, in order to obtain the best results.

How to Use Zensight Process

Zensight Process involves working with the subconscious mind in a way that is similar to hypnosis – and yet no hypnosis is actually used.  Instead, we begin by creating a “healing symbol”.  This symbol can be a word, picture, or colour.  Some people choose to use a symbol such as “ocean”.  They then can focus on the word “ocean” when that feels right, and at other times may actually visualize the ocean.

When this healing symbol is used or focused upon with intent, it allows the fears, concerns, and “blocks” that someone is experiencing to gently heal and transform.

The healing symbol is then used together with healing statements and visualization, to soften, dissolve and release the concerns that are being experienced.

In a situation of anxiety, the individual is instructed to stop and notice any visual image that comes to mind when she or he thinks about one of their specific concerns – and then focus upon this image while connecting with the healing symbol that was chosen.   

This use of visualization helps to greatly accelerate healing because it does not rely upon the limits of our conscious mind and awareness.  The visual image that comes up may be an actual representation of a specific fear or issue that is being experienced, or it may be something that is metaphorical in nature.  I have had people tell me that they suddenly see a picture of themselves with their leg caught in a trap, or that they see a large grey object that they can’t identify or make sense of.  The different images that come up are highly variable and are not always understood by the person.  The beauty of it is that they don’t need to be understood.  The image is simply focused upon while connecting with the healing symbol, and is allowed to transform.

What generally happens is that the image spontaneously transforms in a way that feels healing.  The individual watches as the trap that was holding the leg simply dissolves and disappears.  They see themselves then being able to move about freely and with a sense of contentment and peace.  The big unexplained grey object morphs into a big egg which opens up and releases light and a feeling of peace that the person senses themselves absorbing as she or he watches.

If the picture doesn’t change, if no picture is seen, or in order to resolve any remaining upset, the individual uses healing statements.  After each statement, the person takes a deep breath and lets it go, and focuses upon the healing symbol.  Upsets are then healed and transformed, as positive feelings grow and strengthen.

Examples of healing statements are:

I heal all of the fears that any parts of me have, that I can’t get free of this problem

I heal any and all feelings that any parts of me have, that I am trapped.

I let all of the parts of me know, deeply and completely, that I am safe.

All of the different parts of me now experience a growing sense of peace and comfort.

My entire body is relaxing now.

Sound simple?  It is – extremely simple, and yet powerfully and deeply effective.  Best of all, the effects are lasting - providing that energetic imbalances are addressed and healed, results will in most cases be permanent.

Energy Balancing

Zensight can be used for much more than simply targeting specific symptoms.  In the case of anxiety – especially experiences of pervasive fear and anxiety – it is best to begin by targeting energetic imbalances that are most likely being experienced.

Someone who experiences frequent and/or pervasive feelings of fear has an imbalance in his or her triple warmer meridian.  The energy meridians have been widely recognized in Eastern medicine as impacting upon our emotional, physical, and mental concerns.  Acupuncture is only one of many modalities which focus upon bringing healing to the energy meridians.

The triple warmer meridian is the meridian in the body which governs the fight/flight/freeze response.  Sometimes – often in response to an original event or series of events in which the individual felt intense fear or terror – the triple warmer meridian becomes overenergized.  In the case of anxiety, the emphasis will be upon the “flight/freeze” response, and the individual will quickly respond with fear to many situations which may to others appear innocuous.

Trying to talk someone out of their fear often has little effect.  Rachel rationally knows that the mark on her face was simply dirt and was no more an indicator of cancer than is a stain on her jeans.  However, in spite of this awareness, and in spite of her logical mind which tells her she is safe and is overreacting, Rachel can not let the fear go.

The problem that Rachel is experiencing is not in her mind so much as in her body and in her energy system.  Often patterns of triple warmer overenergization begin in childhood, in response to repeated experiences of terror.  Sometimes this may be due to experiences of abuse that were either experienced or witnessed, and sometimes it may be connected with less obviously traumatic experiences that were nevertheless fear-producing for the particular child involved.

Rachel knows that she is safe – but her body and energy system need to know it too.  In a sense, they need to be reprogrammed.  With Zensight, this “reprogramming” can occur gently and easily during a rapid yet extremely relaxing process.

Other energetic imbalances may also be involved.  Homolateral energy (where the energy runs straight up and down the body rather than crossing over it) may also be involved.  Once any energetic imbalances that are involved are addressed, many symptoms of anxiety will lessen immediately.  The work then becomes focused on targeting the concerns more directly.

Bringing Healing to the “Whole” Person

The emphasis which Zensight Process places upon using both visualization and verbal “healing statements” ensures that both hemispheres of the brain are involved during the healing process.  This assists people in linking logic with emotion.  After using Zensight, not only does Rachel logically understand that the spot on her face was not a sign of impending doom – she emotionally “gets it” as well.

Zensight also addresses the experience of parts of self.  All of us have parts of self.  In many situations where healing is not experienced even when highly effective modalities are being used, the issue is that the person on some level – in some small part of them – may believe that it’s not safe to heal the concerns.  Rachel may be afraid to completely heal her anxiety because some small part of her may fear that if she stops worrying about and expecting to develop cancer, that she will pay less attention and will miss warning signs and thus be unsafe.  Zensight allows the individual to access and bring healing to – through the use of visualization and targeted healing statements – to even those parts of us that are afraid to heal, or believe it is not in our best interests to do so.

By ensuring that the individual is treated at as a whole – physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically – Zensight enables even concerns that are usually considered to be difficult to impossible to resolve, to be as gently and quickly healed as possible. Also for Direct Access To Brand Name Products&Services Visit our Partners at

Sunday, December 8, 2013

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: First Response Early Result Reviewed!

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: First Response Early Result Reviewed!: Best Home Pregnancy Test Pros Excellent sensitivity Consistent Sensitive to low concentrations of hCG Cons Increased...

First Response Early Result Reviewed!

First Response Early Result

Best Home Pregnancy Test

  • Excellent sensitivity
  • Consistent
  • Sensitive to low concentrations of hCG
  • Increased risk of false negatives
  • Results may be difficult to interpret               

    Bottom Line

    The First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test is the one to use if you can't wait until your period's supposed to start to find out if you're pregnant: It's 58 percent accurate a full four days before a missed period. Even if you're not in a hurry, this is still one of the most accurate tests on the market.


    Highly accurate when used as directed. The First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test claims to be 68 percent accurate six days before a missed period, but scientific evidence disputes that. An independent test measuring the accuracy of claims of six home pregnancy tests shows the First Response Early Result to be only 25 percent accurate at six days before an expected period. That rises to 58 percent accuracy at four days before and 100 percent accuracy the day after a missed period.
    Users rank this test highly for accuracy, with many saying it gave them accurate positive results even earlier than six days before their expected period start date. Like all pregnancy tests, First Response Early Result assumes an approximate 28-day cycle. Women with longer cycles may take longer to build up enough human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) for positive testing, which can lead to a fairly high rate of false negatives. Because this test can be used so early, it will detect hCG from a very early miscarriage, meaning the test is correct but the pregnancy wasn't viable.
    The test's control line is said to be consistent and unmistakable, but there are occasional complaints of a completely blank results window.


    Most accurate test available. First Response says the Early Result Pregnancy Test can detect hCG levels of as low as 25 mIU/ml. However, independent studies show it can detect levels as low as 2.1 mIU/ml in a small percentage of cases, and many women report getting a positive at 5.5 mlU/ml.

    Ease Of Use

    Early positives may be faint. The instructions on the First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test are easy to read and understand, users say. You can urinate directly on the absorbent tip, or collect urine and dip the absorbent tip for five seconds. Doing so first thing in the morning is recommended, especially in early cycle testing. The test should be read at thee minutes and immediately discarded. A single pink line means negative, a second pink line means positive. There's no evaporation line, but any results that appear after the three-minute mark aren't considered reliable because the positive results line can take on a faint color after 10 minutes.
    Users' primary confusion with First Response Early Result comes in the form of a faint positive line when testing very early in pregnancy, leading some to question whether they see it. Experts say even a very faint line is a positive if it's read at the proper time. Since the rate of accuracy is estimated at close to 100 percent the first day of a missed period, urine should be retested then.Also for Direct Access To Brand Name Products&Services Like This Visit our Partners At