Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Why is Obamacare so unaffordable? Because it was conceived as a political weapon of mass economic destruction!

Right now, all across America, employees are receiving notices that their insurance coverage is being dropped because it isn't "compliant" with Obamacare. Simultaneously, employers everywhere are slashing jobs, cutting hours and downsizing their operations just to stay afloat by avoiding the most punishing requirements of Obamacare. Across the economy, Obamacare is devastating American workers and casting tens of millions of people into a state of despair.

Why is Obamacare -- the "Affordable Care Act" -- so unaffordable? Why is it causing jobs, hours and insurance policies to be gutted all across America? Because it was designed as a political weapon to destroy private sector jobs so that more people would become dependent on government entitlements, food stamps and welfare programs.

Mass victimization is a political strategy, and Obamacare is the weapon

It's time you learned the truth about Obamacare and how victimization is a political "weapon of mass destruction." The Democratic party thrives primarily on victimization. The more destitute workers become, the more they demand handouts from politicians, and no party is more willing to widely distribute handouts than the Democratic party. Ensnaring people in a cycle of poverty and dependence is the democrats' long-term re-election strategy. The more people who live in poverty, in other words, the more powerful the Democrats become.

(In fairness, the Republicans' long-term re-election strategy is to ensnare nations in endless wars, conflict and engineered terrorism. But that's another article altogether. For the record, I endorse the platform of the Canary Party.)

Because of this dynamic, the Democratic party is terrified by individuals who can take care of themselves. Self-empowered people quickly learn they don't need as much government in their lives, and they tend to vote for smaller government. But people who are in a state of constant crisis from losing their job, getting their hours cut or losing their health insurance automatically turn to big government for help. They demand more government and more assistance programs, and this reliably translates into more democrats getting voted into office on election day.

From the very start, the Obamacare plan was to thrust American workers into a state of despair and panic by making health insurance all but unaffordable to employers. To top off the scheme, the entire charade was named the "Affordable Care Act" to fool the masses into initially supporting it. (Beware of the name of any 1,000-page act passed by Congress. They are almost universally named the opposite of what they actually accomplish...)

The ploy succeeded, and now millions of American workers are just beginning to wake up and realize, "Hey! We've been lied to!"

The real disaster begins October 1

Just how bad is Obamacare, really? It's so bad that Congress recently conspired with the White House to make sure all members of Congress are exempted from its core mandates. This means Congress won't be using the same health care system they have forced upon everyone else. How's that for integrity?

In just a few days, the nation is going to find out just what a mess Obamacare really is. October 1 is the day the so-called "Obamacare exchanges" are supposed to be open for business. It's also the day when the train wreck really begins, so expect all sorts of glitches, failures, privacy breaches and other electronic problems to appear.

In the exchanges that do work, you're going to find sky-high prices for coverage that, in many cases, double or triple what you've been paying. How's that for "affordable care?"

In an effort to cover up the reality of all this, the Obama administration has been cherry picking numbers from selected examples and publicizing those to try to deceive the country into thinking those are the rates everyone else will be paying, too. In reality, health insurance rates are going to shock the nation in a week or so, and at that point the false cover-up can no longer be maintained. Expect the mainstream media to pull another Orwellian sleight-of-mind trick and try to convince people that their doubled or triples health insurance rates are somehow "lower." (This trick might actually work, since most voters are utterly unable to do math anyway. Concepts of "higher" or "lower" may no longer be comprehended by the average American worker / voter.)

As I write this, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz is engaged in an all-night action in the U.S. Senate that looks a lot like a filibuster. He's demanding that Obamacare be de-funded as a condition for passing a higher debt ceiling for federal spending. The House has already voted to de-fund Obamacare, and it looks like Republicans and Democrats are once again playing chicken to see who will take the blame if the government really does get shut down.

The correct answer is that Republicans will be blamed because the mainstream media is still in Obama's back pocket even as he has pushed America's national debt way past $16 trillion. But because mainstream reporters can't do math and have no idea what a "trillion" really is, these mathematical realities don't compute with them, and the brush off the whole concept of national debt as if the laws of economics could be selectively ignored at will.

Obamacare is only the first wave of economic destruction headed our way

The bottom line in all this comes down to the following:

1) Obamacare is unleashing an economic nightmare across America. Workers are being punished across the board, losing their jobs, their work hours and their insurance policies. This is happening precisely because Obamacare makes it unaffordable for many employers to cover all the required health care costs. Welcome to the "part-time society!"

2) For most people -- but not everyone -- Obamacare insurance rates will be much higher than what they've been paying. Why is this the case? Because the Obamacare system preserves and protects the Big Pharma monopoly, shoveling billions of dollars into drug companies each year under the guise of "medical treatment." Instead of reducing health care costs, the Obamacare system is actually focused on helping Big Pharma profit from a sick-care system of ongoing chronic disease.

3) Ultimately, the financial end of America grows ever closer with each passing day. This system of unlimited debt, unlimited entitlements and unlimited spending will, of course, come to a catastrophic end. How do I know this? Because it is a simple fact of reality that all things which are unsustainable must, at some point, end. And when it comes to debt, the longer the denial, the more devastating the wake-up call.

Today, the federal government's out-of-control debt spending is, by all accounts, unsustainable. The only real question is how long they can keep the faith-based Ponzi scheme running before the world's central banks decide to start dumping U.S. treasury debt on the open market, at which point the house of cards implodes almost overnight.

4) Because of point #3, above, the final fact on all this is that Obamacare won't really matter in the long run anyway because the entire federal government is headed for a debt implosion which will very likely end in some sort of wholesale downsizing of government. The insanity you are witnessing right now is indicative of the final chapter of a failed government on the verge of collapsing into ruin. When that day arrives, expect short-term social chaos followed by long-term abundance as principles of economic liberty are finally restored.

Have a backup plan

Please understand there is no turning back for America now. Power-hungry politicians and a brain-dead mainstream media have held us all hostage to an agenda of planned economic destruction. At this point, there is no reform that can halt the inevitable implosion. The dominoes are falling and cannot be stopped. As much as I admire the backbone of real constitutional leaders in Washington like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, they are nonetheless too little, too late.

As I've said for the past year or so, the real focus for the rest of us should be how to survive the day that the federal food stamp program is turned off. The day the food stamp benefit cards stop working is the day a countdown is initiated that will end in riots rolling out across every major U.S. city. That countdown might be somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 - 9 days, give or take. It all depends on how hungry people get and whether the weather is hot or cold. (Hot weather leads to far more riots. Cold weather tends to keep people inside. The most dangerous scenario is economic collapse during the summer months.)

I urge you to realize that America is quite literally one database away from collapsing into social chaos. (The SNAP food stamp database.) When the funds are turned off from that database, and tens of millions of SNAP debit cards stop working across America, that's the day you'll understand just how much damage Obama and others like him have done to our nation.

Prepare now and be safe, folks. The insanity has only just begun. It's gonna get a whole lot crazier before things turn around.

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