Sunday, July 27, 2014

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: The latest recommendation about vitamin D!

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: The latest recommendation about vitamin D!:                                                       Have these so-called "experts" been living under a rock? Where else could t...

The latest recommendation about vitamin D!

Various foods                                                      Have these so-called "experts" been living under a rock?

Where else could they have been for the past few decades not to know how important vitamin D is now considered?

Their latest recommendation about vitamin D -- the one from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force -- is the kind of advice that's so completely out of the loop you could easily brush it aside.

But the big question is, will your doctor?

Because that's the job of this group, to inform doctors about "rapidly evolving medical knowledge and information."

And if there's anything that's constantly evolving, it's knowledge about vitamin D. How vital it is to your health, and just how deficient most everyone is in it.

So if your doctor stops worrying about your D levels, or is even against a supplement for it, this is probably where that bad information is coming from.

And here are some important things you need to know before you take that advice.

Three sheets to the wind

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force says its job is to give the "latest evidence-based research" to doctors so they can make better decisions.

But what they came up with on vitamin D sounds like it's straight out of Looney Tunes.

First, screening for a vitamin D deficiency has almost become routine in good medical care. And doctors are finding that deficiencies are almost epidemic. Some studies show that up to 85 percent of us have low D levels.

And that's why this is so insane.

The task force just proposed new guidelines for docs saying it doesn't recommend they worry about your vitamin D levels. A task force member was even quoted as saying that they just don't "have enough evidence" to say that screenings give any "health benefits."

But since keeping your levels of D up are so important, just how can checking it hurt?

It can't, said the task force. In fact, it said that the "harms" of treating a D deficiency are "small to none." In other words, taking a vitamin D supplement is very, very safe (unlike taking most drugs)!

So what is their problem?

Here's what I think.

What would happen if everyone had good levels of vitamin D?

Drug profits would go down, way down. And that's because the health of Americans would go way up.

Just about all doctors will tell you, low levels of D can be really bad for your health. Even the media, which gets most things wrong, know this.

A D deficiency can cause "increased risk for death from heart disease, cancer, cognitive impairment in older adults and severe asthma in kids."

And that wasn't from some alternative newsletter with 10 subscribers either. That was from the extremely mainstream CBS News. And that's pretty much what we hear from most experts on the topic.

But here's the most ridiculous part of this whole thing. And it came from a publication just for doctors explaining the task force decision.

There's been a tripling in health care visits due to vitamin D deficiencies! That was discovered by looking at diagnosis codes -- those are the numbers used for insurance billing. And yes, there's an insurance code for vitamin D deficiency.

Probably because of that, testing for it has skyrocketed. But that's something this task force wants to stop.

It gave some ridiculous reason that routine testing will end up costing "billions of dollars" for the lab work and the treatment -- which is nothing more than taking a vitamin D supplement!

Now if there's any supplement that's cheaper to buy than vitamin D, I don't know what it is. So its logic is nothing more than Big Pharma hype packaged up to look like it's coming from an "independent body" of researchers.

So even if you don't get your levels checked, you can do certain things that will up your D.

The best way to get your daily dose is from direct sunlight. That way your body makes its own. Just don't overdo it. Around 10 minutes a day is said to be sufficient during the summer months.

Also, many foods are naturally high in D, including salmon, egg yolks and mushrooms.

And taking a vitamin D-3 supplement is definitely an excellent way to keep your levels high. For most people, 800-1,000 IUs daily is considered the right amount.

And it won't cost you billions of dollars either.

Monday, July 14, 2014

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: Ovulation Predictor Kits Reviewed!

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: Ovulation Predictor Kits Reviewed!: Clearblue Fertility Monitor                                  Best ovulation predictor kit Pros Easy to use Results are easy ...

Ovulation Predictor Kits Reviewed!

Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor

Clearblue Fertility Monitor                                 

Best ovulation predictor kit

  • Easy to use
  • Results are easy to understand
  • Highly accurate
  • Must purchase additional test strips monthly
  • Does not work for cycles less than 21 days or greater than 42
  • Takes several minutes to offer readings                                                                              

    Bottom line

    Many women say they owe their conception to the Clearblue Fertility Monitor. Numerous studies show the monitor, which analyzes both estrogen and luteinizing hormone (LH) to predict ovulation several days before it occurs, is among the most accurate means of predicting fertility. Reviewers say the results are easy to understand and the monitor is simple to use. There are a few notable flaws, especially for the price, but overall it's an excellent means of predicting ovulation.


    Clinically proven accuracy. Numerous studies have been conducted involving the Clearblue Fertility Monitor, and all find it to be an effective means of predicting ovulation and fertility. The tests compare it to other ovulation prediction methods, including cervical mucus self-assessment, basal body temperature tracking, saliva readings, and other predictor kits that test LH. It's consistently found to be among the most reliable, helping to predict not only ovulation but the days leading up to it. It's worth noting a few -- but not all -- of the studies are conducted by researchers employed by the manufacturer of Clearblue. Some reviewers say that Clearblue helped them conceive.

    Ease of use

    Digital reading makes monitoring a breeze. Reviewers say the Clearblue Fertility Monitor is very simple to use. A few find the instruction manual lacking, but overall reviewers find it very easy to get results and understand them. Reviewers love that the device can predict when they will ovulate, and many say it helped them conceive in the first month. There are a few complaints, particularly given the high price tag of this product: Users dislike that they need to purchase test strips separately. A few also complain that it's not easy to get data off the device onto a computer. Of note: The monitor does not work for women with a cycle greater than 42 days or less than 21.Also for Direct Access to Brand Name Products&Services like this visit our Partners at

Thursday, July 10, 2014

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: Your thyroid is UNDER ATTACK.!!

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: Your thyroid is UNDER ATTACK.!!: Last week, the FDA approved a new kind of insulin that doesn't need to be given by injection. It is inhaled, and it's for both typ...

Your thyroid is UNDER ATTACK.!!

Last week, the FDA approved a new kind of insulin that doesn't need to be given by injection. It is inhaled, and it's for both types 1 and 2 diabetics.

Could this be what those with diabetes have been hoping for -- an insulin treatment that can allow them to take fewer shots, or even none at all? It sounds too good to be true.

And it is.

In researching this new insulin, I found some very important things that your doctor may not tell you, or even know himself.

It will be hitting the market very soon. So before you're told about this "pain free" and easy way to take insulin, here's what you need to know right now.
No free lunch

The drug is called Afrezza, and it's a fast-acting, inhaled insulin powder that's delivered through a small device that looks like an asthma inhaler.

It's coming on the market already wearing a black box warning -- one for acute bronchospasm. That's a sudden restriction in your ability to breath, just like an asthma attack.

Because of that, the FDA says that people with asthma or lung disease shouldn't go near the drug. And anyone who is planning on taking it needs to have a thorough examination first to make sure their lungs are healthy enough to use it.

But even those with lungs in tip-top shape can be harmed by Afrezza.

In the drug's trials they found a "decline" in lung function in those taking the drug -- and these were people who had no lung problems at all!

And this damage to the lungs started in just the first 3 months of therapy. Since patients were only tested for two years, the FDA has no idea if they ever got their lung function back to normal even after they stopped using the drug.

But it gets even worse.

It looks like Afrezza may actually cause lung cancer.

That makes sense, considering that the only other inhalable insulin on the market had the same terrible side effect. The other drug was Pfizer's Exubera, and it was only made for two years. Pfizer "said" it stopped selling the drug for financial reasons -- it just didn't catch on with patients.

But in 2008 -- the year after the company stopped making it -- it was forced to send a "dear doctor" letter out to warn physicians that the drug may cause lung cancer, as well as reduce lung function.

And it had to send that letter out even when there were very few patients who were still taking the drug. That's just how dangerous it was.

And there's no evidence that Afrezza will turn out to be any better.

But the FDA did what the FDA does. It went ahead and approved it anyway.

Now don't think that's because it's so much better than injected insulin, either. The FDA's own scientists had originally said that the drug is only "marginally effective" and may be "risky."

But the FDA is right on top of that risk. It's required that a "REMS" plan be put in place. That stands for "Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy," and it's a way to see how bad a drug is after it's approved by monitoring all the guinea pigs -- also known as patients -- who take it.

Now you may have never heard of the company who developed Afrezza, I know I didn't.

It's called MannKind, and it's named after its founder and head, Alfred E. Mann, an 88-year-old billionaire aerospace and medical device tycoon.

And Mr. Mann apparently was totally obsessed with bringing this drug to market. So much so that he kept it financed for years with his own money. And that was after two initial FDA turndowns.

He said that diabetes is a big problem and his company is "committed" to getting Afrezza in the hands, or lungs, of as many of these patients as possible.

Keep in mind, this may be a giant leap for MannKind. But it's a giant risk for you.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: We all know that soda isn't healthy, but that does...

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: We all know that soda isn't healthy, but that does...: We all know that soda isn't healthy, but that doesn't always stop us from drinking it. But it turns out that when you really crav...

We all know that soda isn't healthy, but that doesn't always stop us from drinking it! Why?

We all know that soda isn't healthy, but that doesn't always stop us from drinking it.

But it turns out that when you really crave a Coke or Pepsi, and give in (despite your better judgment) it isn't your fault.

You see, those sodas (and most others) contain an additive that's addictive -- as addictive as cocaine!

And like that drug, it has effects on the brain. Effects that make you want more and more. You never get satisfied.

That's what research has already proven about high fructose corn syrup.

Of course, we all know that HFCS is bad stuff. But it turns out that the kind that's being put in sodas, and probably other foods, is even worse. It's not only addictive, but can make you pack on the pounds and up your risk for diabetes -- big time.

It's like HFCS on steroids...

A sweet poison

Dr. Francesco Leri is a neuroscience professor at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. He had a theory about food addiction, and when he put it to the test, he was shocked at what he discovered.

He got some high fructose corn syrup and mixed it with water in three different concentrations. And then he let his lab rats press a lever to have as much as they wanted.

He found that the rats craved the higher amounts. And the bigger the dose of HFCS they got, the more the rats behaved like drug addicts. They would work harder and harder to get their "fix."

"It's exactly what you notice with drug abuse," he said. "HFCS has effects that are beyond the sweetness in the mouth...effects on the brain."

And HFCS is not just bad news for rat brains.

Last year researchers tested people with large amounts of fructose in beverages. They found that when people are "high" on all that fructose they also don't know when to stop eating. They acted just like Dr. Leri's rats did.

Now, this will make perfect sense when you hear what Big Food is doing.

And the FDA isn't moving a muscle to stop it.

Food companies are secretly adding super high, dangerous amounts of fructose to drinks -- spiking HFCS to the point where it has even more fructose than FDA rules allow!

And this big fructose punch is probably in some "diet" and "light" foods too. One company that makes HFCS, Archer Daniels Midland, even advertises a super-strength version called HFCS 90. That's 90 percent fructose! And it says it's the "ideal choice for reduced calorie foods."

Dr. Michael Goran, of the Childhood Obesity Research Center at the University of Southern California, tested a bunch of popular sodas that listed HFCS as the sweetener.

What he found when he analyzed 34 popular drinks -- like Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper and Sprite -- was a "fructose-intense concoction that could increase one's risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease and liver disease."

Alarmed, Goran said that people aren't "designed to process this form of sugar at such high levels."

He said that all that fructose "is processed almost entirely in the liver where it is converted to fat."

And that can make you a sitting duck for diabetes. Stay Informed!