Friday, November 29, 2013

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: How Safe Is our Food in the United States?

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: How Safe Is our Food in the United States?: The next time you tuck into a nice T-bone, reflect that it probably came from a cow that spent much of its life standing in manure reachi...

How Safe Is our Food in the United States?

The next time you tuck into a nice T-bone, reflect that it probably came from a cow that spent much of its life standing in manure reaching above its ankles. That's true even if you're eating the beef at a pricey steakhouse. Most of the beef in America comes from four suppliers.
The next time you admire a plump chicken breast, consider how it got that way. The egg-to-death life of a chicken is now six weeks. They're grown in cages too small for them to move, in perpetual darkness to make them sleep more and quarrel less. They're fattened so fast they can't stand up or walk. Their entire lives, they are trapped in the dark, worrying.
All of this is overseen by a handful of giant corporations that control the growth, processing and sale of food in this country. Take Monsanto, for example. It has a patent on a custom gene for soybeans. Its customers are forbidden to save their own soybean seed for use the following year. They have to buy new seed from Monsanto. If you grow soybeans outside their jurisdiction but some of the altered genes sneak into your crop from your neighbor's fields, Monsanto will investigate you for patent infringement. They know who the outsiders are and send out inspectors to snoop in their fields.
Food labels depict an idyllic pastoral image of American farming. The sun rises and sets behind reassuring red barns and white frame farmhouses, and contented cows graze under the watch of the Marlboro Cowboy. This is a fantasy. The family farm is largely a thing of the past. When farmland comes on the market, corporations outbid local buyers. Your best hope of finding real food grown by real farmers is at a local farmers' market. It's not entirely a matter of "organic" produce, although usually it is. It's a matter of food grown nearby, within the last week.
Remember how years ago you didn't hear much about E. coli? Now it seems to be in the news once a month. People are even getting E. coli poisoning from spinach and lettuce, for heaven's sake.
Why are Americans getting fatter? A lot of it has to do with corn syrup, which is the predominant sweetener. When New Coke failed and Coke Classic returned, it wasn't to the classic recipe; Coke replaced sugar with corn sweeteners.
Cattle have been trained to eat corn instead of grass, their natural food. The Marlboro Cowboys should be riding through cornfields. Corn, in fact, is an ingredient in 80 percent of supermarket products, including batteries and Splenda. Processing concentrates it. You couldn't eat enough corn kernels in a day to equal the number of calories in a bag of corn chips. Corn syrup can be addictive. And then there's fat and salt. A fast-food meal is a heart attack in a paper bag. Poor families can't afford to buy real food to compete with the cost of $1 burgers and $1.98 "meals."
If this offends you, try to do something about it. The Texas beef growers sued Oprah. She won in court because she had the money to fight teams of corporate lawyers. You don't.
Consider Carole Morrison, who refused to seal her chicken houses off from the daylight, and opened them to the makers of this documentary. Morrison's chickens are not jammed into cages, but we see chickens that are unable to stand up. A giant chicken processor canceled her contract and refused to do any more business with her. She was getting sick of how she treated chickens, anyway.
Good food is not a cause limited to actresses on talk shows. Average people are getting concerned. Amazingly, Wal-Mart signed up with the eco-conscious Stonyfield Farms, due to consumer demand. When you hear commentators complaining about how the "government is paying farmers to not grow food," understand that "farmers" are corporations, and that the government is buying their surpluses to undercut local farmers around the world. The farmers who grew Bermuda onions are just about out of business because of the dumping of American onions. "Socialized agriculture" benefits megacorporations, which are committed to the goals of most corporations: maximize profits and executive salaries.
This review doesn't read one thing like a movie review. But most of the stuff I discuss in it, I learned from the new documentary "Food, Inc.," directed by Robert Kenner and based on the recent book An Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan. I figured it wasn't important for me to go into detail about the photography and the editing. I just wanted to scare the bejesus out of you, which is what "Food, Inc." did to me.
It's times like these I'm halfway grateful that after surgery I can't eat regular food anymore and have to live on a liquid diet out of a can. Of course, it contains soy and corn products, too, but in a healthy form. They say your total cholesterol level shouldn't exceed your age plus 100. Mine is way lower than that. And I don't have to tip.
Note: To watch the first 3½ minutes of "Food, Inc.," go to:

Sunday, November 24, 2013

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: 7 Reasons You Want A Holistic Dentist To Take Care...

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: 7 Reasons You Want A Holistic Dentist To Take Care...: The reasons why holistic dental care can benefit you and your family range from the advantages of advanced holistic techniques have in cosme...

7 Reasons You Want A Holistic Dentist To Take Care of Your Teeth!

The reasons why holistic dental care can benefit you and your family range from the advantages of advanced holistic techniques have in cosmetic dentistry and the careful removal of metal fillings to dental materials testing and environmental issues.

Read the whole article for all the positive effects your holistic dentist can have on your dental health and overall well being.

Use of Bio-Compatible Dental Materials:  Let's face it, we live in a toxic world; so you don't want to add to your toxic load or create more stress for your immune system through your dentistry. Studies indicate that at some point at least twenty per cent of dental patients develop sensitivity to dental material. Your holistic dentist will have different forms of testing available to ascertain which materials are suitable for you.

Non-Painful and Natural Treatment of Gum Diseases:  In dentistry, the only condition that can strictly speaking be called a disease is periodontal (gum) disease.  The media has drawn a lot of attention recently to research showing that bacteria causing gum disease is not only found in the mouth.  The same bacteria can be found in the blood stream when a patient has gum disease and may also be present in instances of heart disease. The mouth is the gateway to the body and a sound oral environment is a necessary support for a strong heart in a healthy body. Your gums are the foundation for any dental treatment.  A holistic dentist will always try to implement a balanced and progressive program for preserving your gums before recommending a more aggressive approach to your periodontal care.

Safe Removal of Metal Fillings:  It is vital that a strict protocol be followed whenever metal fillings need to be replaced. This includes tooth isolation so that no metal particles find themselves in your mouth or, worse yet, are swallowed. Clean air and oxygen should be provided for you to breathe, along with any special filtration and a custom high speed vacuum unit.

Ideally your holistic dentist will also have a filter that will prevent the metal that has been removed from getting into the public water system.  In our oceans, fourteen per cent of the pollution is caused by dental metals.  Bay Area dentists are actually required to implement this type of filtration to protect the waters of San Francisco Bay.

Prevention and Effective Treatment of Bite Problems and TMJ Problems:  Your holistic dentist knows that your mouth is the gateway to your body, not just internally but structurally as well.  The patient's bite alignment must always be factored into the total picture of dental treatment, along with specific concerns like problems with the jaw joint (TMJ).  Bite assessment is important for treatment, not just for the  head and jaw but for the structure of the body as a whole. 

Measures to take for bite correction include use of splints designed with state of the art materials, as well as muscular adjustments within the mouth. Sometimes your holistic dentist may coordinate treatment directly with a chiropractor in order to give you the most positive results.

Your bite must be at its best for the successful outcome to your dental treatment: a relaxed and beautiful smile.

Adjunctive Support:  Traditionally, dentists have always stressed the importance of regular brushing and flossing, particularly after eating sweets, for the maintenance of dental health.  Your holistic dentist may put even more emphasis on the importance of good dietary habits.

For example, an alkaline, sugar-free diet is an important adjunct to preventive oral health. It is well known that sugar contributes to tooth decay. This is because the bacteria that cause decay easily feed and grow on intake of sugar. An alkaline diet is also helpful in that the stresses of our world tend to cause acidity of the saliva, which affects the health of both teeth and gums. An alkaline diet keeps the ph of saliva at the proper balance so that the digestive processes beginning with the mouth will function optimally. Following some simple dietary guidelines can minimize and actually eliminate sugar cravings.

Your holistic dentist may also use aids like homeopathics, which are a powerful support to oral health and dental treatment.  Homeopathic pellets of Aconitum Napellus can be administered to calm anxiety before treatment.   Homeopathic gels can be used topically after procedures to dissipate the effects of anesthetics.  Others, such as Arnica and Traumeel, can be applied topically to sore gum tissue. 

Cosmetic Bonding for Preservation of Tooth Structure:  Metal fillings that are 15-20 years old can create cracks in your teeth that eventually grow to become fractures. It is not uncommon to have old fillings stay intact while the tooth structure crumbles around it. In addition to metal fillings weakening tooth structure, they stain the underlying tooth black. It is best to remove old fillings before the tooth breaks, risking root canals or crowns and caps.

Through bonding techniques caps or crowns are sometimes unnecessary, since bonding helps to hold the tooth together rather than wedge it apart. This strengthening through bonding allows us to be more conservative and remove less tooth structure. There are many durable tooth-colored filling materials available today that support the tooth and look natural and beautiful.

Products and Education for Eliminating Toxicity from Your Dental Treatment, Dental Products, Your Home and Your Environment:  Today limiting the damage caused by toxicity is a hidden determinant to good health. Limiting toxicity may present as big a challenge as getting proper nutrition. Your body has the wisdom to convert whatever you feed it into nutrients it can use, but over time  the immune system and organs of the body may respond to cumulative toxicity by breaking down.

It is important for patients to know about the ingredients to avoid in toothpaste and mouthwash. There is more and more availability of organic, effective, good-tasting alternatives for home dental care. Your holistic dentist can educate you in the many ways that toxic ingredients can be found in personal care and cleaning products and even food and medicine. 

Learning which ingredients are best avoided and taking the time to read labels are two ways that we can empower ourselves and our families to strive for good oral health and overall well being.  Educating and influencing patients to have a more balanced lifestyle is another of the reasons why your holistic dentist provides important service to your community. Also for Direct Access to Great Brand Name Products&Services for the Holidays! Visit our Partners at

Sunday, November 17, 2013

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: Hair Loss Treatments: Reviewed

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: Hair Loss Treatments: Reviewed: Mens Rogaine Extra Strength Hair Regrowth Treatment!        Best topical treatment for hair loss Pros Minimal side effects ...

Hair Loss Treatments: Reviewed

Mens Rogaine Extra Strength Hair Regrowth Treatment (5% minoxidil)

Mens Rogaine Extra Strength Hair Regrowth Treatment!       

Best topical treatment for hair loss

  • Minimal side effects
  • Available without prescription
  • Affordable
  • Slows the progression of hair loss for approximately 90 percent of users
  • Must be applied twice daily
  • Ongoing regimen
  • Messy application
  • Not effective for everyone                  
    Several Rogaine users posting at complain of scalp irritation but some say that switching to the original strength or another brand alleviates that problem. A few users complain of the odor associated with Rogaine while others claim that the smell disappears when the product dries. Experts say that some women may have unwanted hair growth, namely on the face, as a result of minoxidil usage, though it is a rare side effect and may be more likely to occur in women with a history of excess facial and body hair.
    The best minoxidil research comes from medical journals, such as the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology and the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, where clinical trials and studies of minoxidil (the active ingredient in Rogaine) are reported. Paula Begoun uses scientific studies and research as the basis of her opinions of Rogaine and other hair-loss products in her book "Don't Go Shopping for Hair-Care Products Without Me." The American Hair Loss Association provides an in-depth look at minoxidil -- and balding in general -- on its website. User reviews are minimal but seem to confirm experts' opinions of efficacy.
    Reviewers say that Men's Rogaine Extra Strength Hair Regrowth Treatment is an excellent starting place for both men and women experiencing genetic hair loss (known as androgenetic alopecia, or AGA), but reviews suggest that generic versions of 5 percent minoxidil (the active ingredient in Rogaine) may be just as effective. Experts say that Rogaine at least slows the progression of hair loss for most that use it, and minoxidil completely stops the progression for some and actually regrows hair for others. Experts add that the best results usually occur when users begin the regimen at the first sign of hair loss. Studies show that Rogaine is not as effective as doctor-prescribed Propecia. Rogaine doesn't require a prescription and is safe for women, although only the original strength (2 percent minoxidil) has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use by women. Experts suggest that men use both treatments for the best results. Also for Direct Access to Brand Name Products&Services like this Please visit our Partners at

Thursday, November 14, 2013

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: 4 Ways the Food and Drug Administration Is Not ‘Pr...

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: 4 Ways the Food and Drug Administration Is Not ‘Pr...: A few weeks ago I happened to catch an episode of the radio show This American Life, which focused on the how the U.S. Food and Drug Admini...

4 Ways the Food and Drug Administration Is Not ‘Protecting and Promoting Your Health!!

A few weeks ago I happened to catch an episode of the radio show This American Life, which focused on the how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) dealt with problems related to acetaminophen, also know as Tylenol.
In a nutshell, it took the FDA over 30 years to let us know that taking too much of this medication can cause severe liver disease and death. Historically, Tylenol was thought to be the safe pain reliever and one that we should “trust.” Truth be told, taking just two extra strength Tylenol tablets over the maximum daily dose of eight can cause liver failure.
Why did it take the FDA so long to inform the public of the health risks associated with Tylenol? According to a review of the FDA process, a lack of financial resources and a heavy workload caused the delay.
Ironically, days before I listened to this episode, I was thinking about a few other perplexing FDA positions. While their tagline is “protecting and promoting your health,” there are many instances where their actions are anything but. Here are four such examples.
1. Food Additives
A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine (JAMA Intern Med) found that between 1997 and 2012 all of the members on panels to determine if a food additive was safe had ties to the industry that created them, either as an employee or consultant. One has to wonder, with such an infiltration of industry in the decision-making process, if these additives are truly safe to consume.
Additionally, the FDA allowed companies that created food products to determine whether or not a food additive was generally recognized as safe, also known as GRAS. In some cases, these companies did not even notify the FDA of this determination!
Food politics guru Marion Nestle, Ph.D., wrote the commentary for the article. Not one to mince words, she says: “How is it possible that the FDA permits manufacturers to decide for themselves whether their food additives are safe?”
How indeed.
She also says:
… financial ties with food and beverage companies are now recognized as influences on federal dietary guidelines, opinions of nutrition professionals, and the interpretation of nutrition studies.
The article concludes with the authors urging the FDA to address the lack of independent review and the ubiquitous financial conflicts of interest in GRAS determinations. Let’s hope the FDA follows this advice.
2. Fecal Implants
Fecal implants, also known as fecal microbiota therapy (FMT), are a procedure whereby stool from a healthy donor is inserted into the colon of another. Yes, fecal implants sound really gross. But they save lives and are actually more effective for curing difficult cases of Clostridium difficile (C. diff) — which can cause diarrhea, cramping, colitis, and death — than really expensive antibiotic pills. They have also been found to be helpful, or in some cases cure, other gastrointestinal conditions, such as ulcerative colitis, a debilitating condition that causes inflammation of the colon and bloody, frequent diarrhea.
However, in April 2013 the FDA decided if feces were preventing, treating, or curing a disease, then feces should be classified as a drug. The FDA did not approve fecal implants for therapeutic uses. Any doctor who wanted to use them would have to fill out an investigational new drug application. In response, many doctors stopped doing fecal implants, even though they were found to be 90 percent effective for C. diff.
Just a few months later the FDA changed their mind, due to strong push back from the American Gastroenterology Association. They allowed fecal implants for use in people with C. diff who were not responding to standard antibiotic treatment.
I find it interesting that the FDA wants a lot of regulation for feces, a substance that appears to be helping many people, yet they are lax about so many other things. Of course, precautions need to be taken such as screening for HIV, hepatitis, and parasites. However, at a time of diminishing returns with drugs for many gastrointestinal diseases and no chance of an actual cure, why not allow fecal implants, especially when they have the potential to help so many people who are suffering?
3. Antibiotics in Animal Feed
Meanwhile back at the ranch, the FDA is still dragging its feet to ban the use of antibiotics in factory farming. A recent FDA report reveals that 80 percent of antibiotics are given to industrial farm animals. Why give these animals low doses of antibiotics? So they will get fatter faster and to prevent health problems caused by the extreme confinement and filthy conditions they are forced to endure.
Although there is a clear-cut link between the use of antibiotics in farm animals and antibiotic resistance, the FDA continues to allow their use. Instead of banning the practice, the FDA has called for industry to voluntarily stop the practice. According to Marion Nestle, the problem has only gotten worse. The Centers for Disease Control states that 2 million people are sickened each year by drug-resistant bacteria, and 23,000 of them die. Since part of the problem is the use of antibiotics in animal feed, it seems like a no-brainer to stop this practice. The FDA has had over 30 years to take action on this, but has not as of yet.
Apparently, banning the hundreds of antibiotics used in factory farming would be “lengthy and cumbersome,” so a volunteer approach was the option chosen by the FDA.
One would think that 23,000 Americans dying each year would trump industry desires and long appeals.
4. Genetically-Modified Organisms (GMOs)
I have written before about the fact that the FDA does not do its own safety assessments or studies on GMOs before they are approved for use. Instead, the companies that create the crops do their own safety assessments, which the FDA only reviews. In other words, it is the opinion of companies such as Monsanto, Dupont Pioneer, Bayer CropScience, Dow Agrosciences, or Syngenta that are driving the approvals. This is a win-win for companies that stand to make a buck on GMOs but is a lose-lose situation for us, the very people the FDA is supposed to be “protecting.”
The FDA is worried about poop, a basically free substance that can cure C. diff and potentially other inflammatory bowel diseases, but is fine with adding food additives, antibiotics, and GMOs to our food supply without adequate testing or conflict-of-interest-free determinations.
What is wrong with this picture? A lot. And it is the American people who will be paying the price.

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: 'Last Call at the Oasis': Why Time Is Running Out ...

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: 'Last Call at the Oasis': Why Time Is Running Out ...: A new film provides a much-needed wake-up call for Americans: Our false sense of water abundance may be our great undoing!!! ...

'Last Call at the Oasis': Why Time Is Running Out to Save Our Drinking Water!!!!!

A new film provides a much-needed wake-up call for Americans: Our false sense of water abundance may be our great undoing!!!
Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Ev Thomas

The first voice you hear in the new documentary Last Call at the Oasis is Erin Brockovich's -- the famed water justice advocate whom Julia Roberts portrayed on the big screen.
"Water is everything. The single most necessary element for any of us to sustain and live and thrive is water," says Brockovich as her voice plays over clips of water abundance -- gushing rivers and streams. "I grew up in the midwest and I have a father who actually worked for industry ... he promised me in my lifetime that we would see water become more valuable than oil because there will be so little of it. I think that time is here."
The film then cuts to images of water-scarce populations in the world: crowds of people at water tankers, stricken children, news reports of drought in the Middle East, Brazil, China, Spain.
The images are heart-wrenching and alarming ... and so are the ones that come next, which are all in the U.S. Water parks, golf courses, car washes, triple shower heads, outside misters -- all point to our folly when it comes to water.
We live with a false sense of water abundance and it may be our great undoing. Even though the film opens with Brockovich's prophecy that water is more valuable than oil, Last Call at the Oasis mostly focuses on how we've yet to grasp this news. The film, which is the latest from Participant Media ( Inconvenient Truth, Food Inc., Waiting for Superman), delves into our addiction to limitless growth, our blindness to pressures from global warming, and the free pass that industry and agriculture get to pollute.
The narrative of the film, which is directed by Jessica Yu, is driven by interviews, historical footage and some outstanding cinematography. We're taken to Las Vegas, so often the starting point for discussions of our impending water crisis. We see a receding Lake Mead, learn that Hoover Dam may be close to losing its ability to generate power as water levels drop, and that the intake valve for Las Vegas' water supply may soon be sucking air.
We hear from Pat Mulroy, Las Vegas' infamous water manager, about a plan for the city to pipe water over 250 miles from a small agricultural community. The town of Baker, population 150, looks to be on the sacrificial altar for Sin City. As Mulroy says, it is a "project out of sheer desperation." But that will be little consolation to the folks in Baker. Or to the rest of us. Because what we learn next is that "we're all Vegas."
Phoenix and LA also face water pressures, as the Colorado River strains to meet growing demands. The film shows hotspots like the California’s Central Valley, where 7 million acres of irrigated agriculture have turned near desert into the source of one-quarter of the nation's food -- at a steep environmental price.
California is often warned it will be the next Australia, where a decade of drought has devastated the agricultural sector. At the peak of Australia's drought, the film tell us, one farmer committed suicide every four days. We meet families who are struggling to save their farms, faced with having to slaughter all of their animals. The scenes of heartbreak in Australia are one of the few times in the film the narrative ventures outside the U.S. Mostly the storyline is focused on America's own evolving plight.
We see Midland, Texas where a community is stricken by cancer from hexavalent chromium in its drinking water. A reoccurring voice throughout the film is Brockovich, who works as a legal consultant all over the U.S. for communities that often find themselves powerless in the face of industry pollution. "There are 1,200 Superfund sites the EPA can't deal with," says Brockovich. "The government won't save you."

Thursday, November 7, 2013

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: Methods for Treating Common Back Pain !

GreenEarthMeds News and Reviews: Methods for Treating Common Back Pain !: If your back pain does not require medical attention, i.e. if you feel you over exerted the muscles you can perform a few actions at home to...

Methods for Treating Common Back Pain !

If your back pain does not require medical attention, i.e. if you feel you over exerted the muscles you can perform a few actions at home to, perhaps relieve your pain. The common treatments include bed rest, pain remedies, cold or hot pads, massage, relax, and so on.

Sometimes when we pull the muscles pain relievers can help reduce the pain. Common over-the-counter meds include ibuprofen, aspirin, or meds with acetaminophen included. You should avoid taking ibuprofen and aspirin combined to treat common back pain. In addition, if you have asthma, allergies, or polyps, leave ibuprofen and aspirin alone.

Cold packs work well, yet if you have conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or related symptoms you should avoid using cold packs. Cold packs can reduce back pain otherwise if you allow the packs to remain on your back long enough to reduce muscle spasms, pain, or inflammation. Leave the cold pack on the area where your pain is for at least twenty minutes.

Later you can apply hot packs to the area. Avoid placing hot packs over areas where scar tissue is present. In addition, if you have poor circulation, avoid placing hot packs in this area as well. Leave the hot packs on your back for at least twenty minutes as well. Do not use heating pads, since experts believe that the pads are unsafe. You can take a hot, steamy bath or shower, or purchase hydrocollators and place it on the area. You can find hydrocollators at pharmacy, or areas where medical equipment, meds, etc, are sold.

If you muscles are tight, you may benefit from a massage. If someone you know is willing to give you a massage, ask him or her to rub the area gently. Otherwise, you may find local massage therapists in your area, which offer affordable treatment. If the massage increases your pain, ask the person to stop. You may need medical treatment. You should avoid massages if you have fallen and injured your back, or if you were recently in an accident. Seek medical help first.

You can also relax the back if your muscles are tense. Relaxation promotes wellness, since the muscles can rest from over-exertion.

To avoid complicating common back pains you should move around at least 20 minutes each day. Throughout the day we sit, lie on the back, stand, walk, etc, which all applies gravity pressure to the spine. We can learn proper sitting strategies to avoid complicating common back pain.

When sitting you can roll a towel up and situate it at the lower back and on your chair. This will provide the lumbar support. If you have, certain conditions however avoid using such support. Conditions such as spine stenosis or spondylolisthesis can become irritated if you use back supports in such a way.

At what time you sit, try to use a chair that has armrests so that you can use the rests to lower your self in position. Avoid placing the legs directly “in front of you,” and do not bend when you lift your self from the chair. Avoid twisting when rising from a seated position as well.

To minimize back pain you should avoid sitting for long hours. Walk around in intervals if you have a job that requires you to sit for long hours. At what time you sit, try to position your knees so that they are somewhat above the hips.

Common back stress can be reduced, yet if you try remedies at home or at work and the remedies fail, you may need to seek medical advice.  Also for Direct Access To Brand Name Products&Services Related Visit our Partners at